Maximized Chiropractic

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Why “fed” isn’t always best.

Before you read this article and feel called out by the title, this is not to bash parents who decide to formula feed. Ultimately, whatever feeding method you use is your decision as a parent, and I am not here to judge you for that! I want to help you feel more educated about infant feeding and give you your risks and benefits right here in black and white. I was formula fed as a baby, and my first child was formula fed after four months. I wish I had researched more or asked for help so I felt confident in my decision for my baby. In fact, over half of the US infants are formula fed (per CDC), but it doesn't come without risks. I am a Birth Doula, CLC, and an advocate for parents to know the risks and benefits of their and their baby's health. 

As parents, we always want to protect our babies and do what's best for them. Why doesn't that include what we feed them for the first (and most impactful) year of their life? For a whole year of your life, If you had the choice between having a meal full of nutrients, good fats, and antibodies your body needs to fight off illness OR a meal full of sugar, unhealthy oils, lactose, a bunch of other ingredients you don't understand, and maybe a few vitamins made in a lab which would you choose? It makes sense to pick the first one! But yet, we aren't choosing that when it comes to our babies. 

Formula feeding can bring many risks that people have yet to talk about. The World Health Organization recommends telling parents like you about the dangers of formula feeding to help you make an informed decision. Yet, no one is telling parents about these risks. 

Compared to breastfed babies:

1. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of death from SIDS (twice as likely)

2. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of obesity (40% more likely) and diabetes.

3. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of childhood cancers (30% more likely).

4. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of heart disease and chronic diseases such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

5. Formula-fed babies have the risk of higher blood pressure.

5. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk (50%) of chronic ear infections, higher rates of allergies and eczema, a higher risk of asthma (40-50%), and a higher risk of lung infections (17 times more likely).

6. Formula-fed babies are twice as likely to have diarrhea.

7. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of infection from an unclean formula. There can be harmful bacteria in the formula due to processing. Some formulas cannot be sterilized due to their nature.

8. Formula-fed babies have a higher risk of poisons from the environment when formula feeding. 

9. Formula-fed babies are more exposed to aluminum and BPA when formula-feeding due to packaging.

10. Water used for formula feeding must be distilled and heated to prevent the consumption of pathogens and pesticides. 

After reading about the risks of formula feeding, you may be thinking, "What are better options?" Breastfeeding is the most nutrient-dense, liquid gold you could offer your growing baby. Not every parent can breastfeed, so what are your other options? 

1.     Get more support. You may be surprised by your ability to breastfeed with the right help. You may feel like all hope is lost, but it is worth giving it your best shot. Helping moms breastfeed easier and longer is one of our specialties. Please reach out to us if you are struggling. We are happy to help!

2.     Donor breastmilk: the second-best option to breastfeeding. Depending on your area, you can find donated breast milk at milk banks, Facebook pages (Human Milk 4 Human Babies is a great one), and local moms who are breastfeeding and looking to donate. Offices like ours or other CLCs can help connect you with donors 

3.     Homemade formula: I'm not talking about the sketchy homemade formulas from the 80s. It can seem weird to make it yourself, but there are a lot of resources to help you. It's actually pretty easy. If your baby has no specific dietary challenges, they may be a good candidate. 

Recipes available:

Nourishing Joy Recipe

Nourishing Traditions Book

4. Pre-Made Formula: If none of the options above feel right for you, here are some pre-made options for your baby available online 

1.     Kendamil 

2.     HiPP Dutch Organic Formula

3.     Bobbie

4.     Earth's Best

5.     Holle Organic Goat’s Milk Formula

6.     Nanny Formula 

These formula options aren’t perfect, they still contain oils that I would avoid consuming, but they are a better option if you are needing to formula feed. Again, research before deciding what formula is right for your family. Switching to formula is not a solution to colic, acid reflux, pain, gassiness, or irritability. If your baby is experiencing any of these things, I encourage you to find help from a pediatric chiropractor, CLC, IBCLC, or infant feeding expert.

 As parents, we should be demanding better for our babies. I encourage you to read the ingredients in the formula you choose and look at the warnings on the packaging before feeding your baby. If you want to breastfeed, set yourself up for success by finding a pediatric-certified chiropractor, a CLC/IBCLC, and an excellent at-home support system!


Resources for parents: